Some of the projects that at some point seemed like a good enough idea to actually stagger from the back of an envelope to somewhere almost within sight of usability. Or at least some of the ones that I'm currently willing to admit to.
- Zone finder : A DNS discovery tool to display well known resource records for a given domain and provide them in a BIND friendly format.
- DNS security records health check : A quick health check for best pratcices security related DNS records.
- Power DNS Shell : A remote command shell implemented over DNS user PowerDNS.
- Credential free, anonymous system access : How to set up anonymous shell/remote access to Ubuntu systems in a hopefulyl not entirely insane fashion.
- A public access lynx client. Allowing text based web browsing via telnet from anywhere. There used to be a number of these around the place, but I think this is the last one remaining.
- Scylla Mail: An early project done with Shonky Internet. To provide an odd sort of mail service. Somewhat different from most, but apparently useful. - Currently out of service
- Shrnk: Yet another URL shortener, though with far less predictable ( though slightly longer ) generated URLs. Also with the ability to have links expire or be removed on demand, so slightly different from others out there. Once again this was created in collaboration with Shonky. They're responsible for sorting out the terms and everything that'll make it look nice.