Domain Security check
Current average score : 3.26
Current average based on 1569 domains.
N.B. The results generated by this tool will be recorded for research purposes - no other information will be saved.
This tool is designed to provide a quick check on how well a domain is following best practices for publishing security related DNS records. Configuring and maintaining these records can be painful and very few companies have implemented even half of them. This tool does a quick quality check of which of these records are published for a domain and gives a health score. It does not do in-depth validation, there are other people that do that sort of thing.
The more records the domain has published and the stronger the published records the higher the score. e.g. A DMARC policy of reject is better than a DMARC policy of "none"
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click here, for
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"Add search engine" (Chrome) "Create Search" (Opera).